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The director of Kahrizak Charity Center, in a ceremony, presented plaques of appreciation and gifts to the public relations staff of the center in recognition of their hard work over the past year.

Tehran, Iran - In commemoration of Public Relations and Communications Day, a ceremony was held to honor the efforts of all public relations staff at Kahrizak Charity Center.

 Dr. Nahvi Najad, the center's public relations director, referred to public relations as the showcase and symbol of Kahrizak, stating that all internal and external organizational communications are somehow pursued and followed up through public relations, which has its own unique challenges.

The director of Kahrizak Charity Center identified the coordination and management of various conferences, hospitality events, and ceremonies as one of the most challenging tasks of the public relations unit. He acknowledged, "We believe that the planning carried out in this regard is always successfully completed with minimal problems, which is a testament to the ability and mastery of public relations staff in their work, and they deserve the best appreciation for this."

This action by the Kahrizak Charity Foundation supports Sustainable Development Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all and Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries