88310688 (9821+)

Kahrizak, Iran - On the last Friday of May, from dawn to dusk, the heartwarming fragrance of Holy Mashhad enveloped Kahrizak Charity Center as the esteemed servants of Imam Reza's (AS) shrine graced the facility with their presence.

Carrying the blessed and perfumed banner of Imam Reza's (AS) holy shrine, these dedicated individuals traversed the various wards of the center, bringing a touch of serenity and spiritual solace to the hearts of countless residents.

The presence of these revered servants transformed the atmosphere of Kahrizak, transporting the residents' hearts and minds to the hallowed halls of Imam Reza's (AS) shrine in Mashhad. The air was filled with an aura of devotion and tranquility, as the residents basked in the blessings emanating from the holy banner.

This heartwarming gesture served as a poignant reminder of the profound spiritual connection that binds the hearts of Iranians to Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Imam of Shia Islam. Even within the confines of Kahrizak, the fragrance of Holy Mashhad and the presence of his devoted servants brought a sense of comfort, hope, and spiritual rejuvenation to all those who were touched by their visit

This action by the Kahrizak Charity Foundation supports Sustainable Development Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels