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Tehran, Iran - Dr. Alireza Khoshdel, President of Azad Islamic University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, paid a visit to Kahrizak Charity Foundation along with a high-ranking scientific delegation.

During his tour of the treatment and palliative care units for the disabled and elderly at Kahrizak, Dr. Khoshadel expressed his admiration for the exceptional level of care being provided, stating that it exceeded his expectations.

In a subsequent meeting with Kahrizak University officials, Dr. Khoshadel expressed his keen interest in exploring avenues for collaboration and cooperation between the two institutions. He highlighted the university's plans to establish rehabilitation centers in the cities of Roodehen and Varamin, emphasizing that the expertise of Kahrizak's officials could serve as a valuable benchmark for these endeavors.

Dr. Khoshadel further emphasized the potential of Azad Islamic University of Medical Sciences to provide support to Kahrizak Charity Foundation by deploying specialized physicians and experienced nurses to supplement the center's medical staff.

This action by the Kahrizak Charity Foundation supports Sustainable Development Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries