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A ceremony was held at the Kahrizak Charity Foundation to honor Teachers' Day, with the participation of a group of honorary teachers, managers, officials, and disabled students residing in the center.

According to the Public Relations of Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Tehran, Teachers' Day was celebrated at the center by presenting plaques of appreciation to the honorary teachers of Kahrizak and the elderly who once served as teachers and educated students in the community but now reside in the center due to old age.

Dr. Nahvi Nejad, the director of Kahrizak Charity Foundation , mentioned rehabilitation as another humanitarian duty of Kahrizak's honorary teachers and added: "Social skills, ethics lessons, behavior and conduct, and increasing awareness and knowledge are an important part of the rehabilitation of the center's residents, which the teachers fulfill this divine mission well, and we are all indebted to their ethics."

52 disabled students in different educational levels are studying at Kahrizak school. So far, many graduates of Kahrizak school have gone to university and have achieved academic success up to the master's level.

This action by the Kahrizak Charity Foundation supports Sustainable Development Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all