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Thanks to the efforts of the Public Relations staff of Kahrizak Charity Center in Tehran and in collaboration with the "Filimo" company, the open-air cinema once again hosted the beneficiaries of this charitable center with a screening of attractive and entertaining films.

As reported by the Public Relations of Kahrizak Charity Institute: The open-air cinema of Kahrizak Charity Center officially began its activities in the new year with the screening of the movie "Fossil" by Karim Amini.

Mohsen Pezeshki, Public Relations Manager of Kahrizak Charity Foundation, said: "Given the warm welcome of the beneficiaries to the screening of films in the open air, and also the adaptation of the screening hall, from now on we will dedicate beautiful nights to our dear ones by showing one or two films requested by the beneficiaries every week."

This action by the Kahrizak Charity Foundation supports Sustainable Development Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels .